Good, and good for you.

Below are some of the sites I go to regularly, and a few daily. I'll note the ones I think are beyond good.

So visit, and let them know you've passed their way.

Web Journals

I will add more, but I ask their authors first. If I get the ok, they'll be here.

The first 2 sites below are first web journal sites I ever visited, both on the same day, and they're ones I go back to time and time again. They're very different in voice and tone, but I always learn something from them about words, about life, and about being yourself in places that don't always want you to be.

Little Daggers
Always my first stop. Human, close to the heart, and vibrant. Many good surprises here.

Speechless - the journal of the mouse
Artistry in writing. Somebody give her a book contract, please. I don't care what the book is about.

I came across this site following a recommendation. It's a great site. Good writing, useful technical information, lotsa parts, and a interesting design. A new stop for me on a regular basis.

Tomato Nation
Funny, well designed, full of interestin' content, and, well, funny (again). Go and make sure you are at a place where you can laugh out loud.


Diary Sites
Home to a ton of online journals and blogs and whatever the new name is. Quality is uneven, but the variety makes it an interesting stop.


Sites you should visit because they're vitamin packed.

Apple Corporation
For the 7% of us who know a mostly human centered piece of computing when we see it.

The Onion
I dare ya not to laugh. Screw dare protocols. I triple dog dare ya.

Media Whores Online
No holds barred liberal site. If you want to get ideas on how to fight the good political fight, make this a daily visit. These folks are neither objective, nor gentle, nor hypocrites.
Decent writing, urban, sexy, and net oriented. I don't like or agree with everything here, but it makes me think, and broadens my understanding of humans some.

Internet Movie Database
Forget not trusting folks over thirty. Don't trust anyone who never watches movies.


Really good suggestions?

14 December 2002

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